Today when preparing to go to Kay’s house I planned activities based around Irish step dancing but broke them down to the most basic level to try and let her have some success. I figured this might help with her frustration. If she is succeeding and seeing her self progress, she might not get discouraged. I came prepared with a balance board, some polyspots (shaped like left and right feet), some core activities and a yoga routine. At first it took some convincing to get Kay to try the new activities, but finally after showing her the importance of these activities are for Irish step dancers she was willing to try them.
After meeting with Kay three times, I realized I would have to prepare activities for her based around Irish step dancing because it is her big dream that one day she will compete. The environment we have been using is her living room. There is enough space to work with and I bring Irish music to play in the background which she really seems to enjoy. The activities I think I will repeat are the yoga routine (Sun Salutation), the core exercises (with the exercise ball), and activities based around developing and recognizing rhythm. Activities I think I will stay away from for now was the balance boards. Kay really didn’t like them and was very nervous to step on the board. It could be something we work up to, however, for now I think we will just to balancing exercises using polyspots on the floor.
While I was working with Kay, her sister had come home. I observed their interaction, her sister asked Kay how she was doing. She also encouraged her to keep working hard on the activity we were working on. When people enter the room, or if there is noises in the other room Kay for sure notices them and it distracts her from what she is currently working on.
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